
16. BFI 2019 - Drezden Frankfurt kompanija igre, Frankfurt

Programs on stage
11 April 2019 20:00
Velika dvorana
Cene ulaznica: 1500, 1700 i 1900 dinara


Drezden Frankfurt kompanija igre


Dresden Frankfurt Dance Company



Od sada/From Now On

koreografija, svetlo, scena, kostim/choreography, light, stage, costume: Jacopo Godani

muzika/music: Steven Mackey, Physical Property (1992) from the album Short Stories, recorded by the Kronos Quartet

trajanje/duration: 15’

premijera/premiere: Frankfurt am Main/Bockenheimer Depot, 2018

Koreografija je vizuelna arhitektura - konstrukcija koja se čini nekomplikovanom, ali ima neverovatnu količinu informacija u sebi. Tražeći nekonvencionalnu situaciju u kojoj bi se telo izazvalo idejama, Godani razvija sofisticiranu aluziju na geometriju klasične igre iz savremenog mentalnog okvira…

The choreography is a visual architecture - a construction that seems uncomplicated but has an incredible amount of information within itself. Searching for an unconventional situation in which to challenge the body with ideas, Godani develops a sophisticated allusion to the geometry of classical dance from a contemporary frame of mind…


Odjeci neumorne duše/Echos from a Restless Soul

koreografija, svetlo, scena, kostim/choreography, light, stage, costume: Jacopo Godani

muzika/music: Maurice Ravel, Ondine & Le Gibetfrom Gaspard de la Nuit

klavir/piano: Svjatoslav Korolev

trajanje/duration: 15’

premijera/premiere: Frankfurt am Main/Bockenheimer Depot, 2016

Kompoziciju za solo klavir napisao je Moris Ravel, 1908. godine. Ideju za ovo remek delo je ponudila francuska pesma Alojsiusa Bertranda. Kroz kreaciju neverovatne virtuoznosti, Ravel vraća Bertrandove pesme u život, koristeći inovativnu klavirsku tehniku u klasičnom obliku. Koreografski elementi predstavljaju zajedničku nit, sjedinjujući atmosferu koja prevazilazi vreme i mesto... Godani usavršava pokret u špic patikama dok kreira izuzetnu slobodu unutar određenih estetskih parametara - kao i onih iz klasičnijeg pristupa. Ravelova numera izvodi se uživo.

A composition for solo piano is written by Maurice Ravel in 1908. The basis for this masterpiece is an earlier French poem by Aloysius Bertrand. On a creation of incredible virtuosity, Ravel brings Bertrand’s poems to life, employing an innovative piano technique within a classical form. The choreographic elements form a common thread, merging in an atmosphere that transcends time and place… Godani enhances movement with pointe shoes while creating a remarkable freedom within certain aesthetic parameters – as the ones from a more classical approach. Ravel’s score is performed live.


Uzvišeni izazov/High Breed

koreografija, svetlo, scena, kostim/choreography, light, stage, costume: Jacopo Godani

muzika/music: 48nord (Ulrich Müller & Siegfried Rössert) 

trajanje/duration: 25’

premijera/premiere: Dresden / HELLERAU – European Centre for the Arts, 2017

Kao davalac oblika koji želi da uvede gledaoce u iskustvo igre, Godani pokušava da pobegne iz zamišljenog, da pređe preko mašte, i na svoj način sačini intrigantnu tamu: oblast u kojoj potencijal isplivava izvan svetlosti... Sa fizičkim intenzitetom, bogat akcijom i egzaktnošću - praktično matematički u svojoj preciznosti, on otkriva suštinu identiteta kompanije. Napuštajući površno i naglašavajući majstorsko poznavanje tehnike, gledalac doživljava koreografiju kao autentičan događaj u pravom smislu te reči.

As a giver of shape who wants to bring viewers into the dance experience, Godani attempts to escape from the imaginable, to go beyond it, and in his way, he creates an intriguing darkness: a realm in which potentiality emerges beyond light…With a physical intensity, rich in action and in exactitude – virtually mathematical in its precision, he reveals the quintessence of the company’s identity. By forgoing the superficial and emphasizing a masterful knowledge of technique, the spectator experiences choreography as a signature event in the truest sense of that word.

Međunarodno priznat koreograf, Jakopo Godani rođen je u La Speciji, u Italiji, gde je 1984. godine počeo da uči balet i modernu igru u Centru Loredane Rovanje. Tri godine je studirao vizuelne umetnosti u Školi lepih umetnosti u Karari, a 1986. godine je primljen na usavršavanje u međunarodnom centru za igru Morisa Bežara – Mudra u Briselu. Kao profesionalac, Godani je debitovao 1988. godine, nastupajući u nekoliko pariskih trupa savremene igre. U Briselu je 1990. godine osnovao sopstvenu kompaniju i započeo koreografsku karijeru. Od 1991. do 2000. godine, bio je prvi solista u Baletu Frankfurt pod vođstvom Vilijama Forsajta, i istovremeno sarađivao sa ovim koreografom u stvaranju mnogih naslova. Godani je koreografsku karijeru razvijao kreirajući originalna dela za veliki broj svetskih kompanija, kao što su: Kraljevski balet u Londonu, Bajerski državni Balet, Nacionalna kompanija igre iz Madrida, Holandski teatar igre, Kraljevski danski balet, Balet Britanske Kolumbije, Balet Kapitol iz Tuluza, Balet Teatra milanske Skale, Kraljevski flamanski Balet, Finski nacionalni Balet, Balet državne Opere u Berlinu, Sidnejska kompanija igre, Balet izraelske Opere, Suzan Delal Centar, Holandski nacionalni balet, Aterbaleto, Balet Monte Karla, Kompanija Cedar Lake, i mnoge druge. Godani je postao umetnički direktor Forsajt kompanije (kasnije Drezden Frankfurt kompanija igre) početkom sezone 2015/2016. Njegov rad je istovremeno sofisticiran, telesan i sirov. On koristi kolektivnu snagu u formi jednog organizma, na posve artikulisan način. On osmišljava sve segmente dela, od inicijalne koreografije, preko dizajna prostora, objekata, okoline i postavke scene, piše tekstove i koncept za dramaturgiju, stilizuje imidž izvođača osmišljavanjem kostima, stvara i razvoja inovativne načine korišćenja rasvete, video radova i projekcija, kreira i prilagođava muziku za neke od svojih komada… Godani je sastavio tim profesionalaca koji slično razmišljaju, kako bi zajedno, tokom celokupnog procesa razvijali originalne ideje, vođeni kreativnim i inovativnim pristupom koji ima za cilj sagledavanje naprednog savremenog sveta.

Internationally acclaimed choreographer Jacopo Godani was born in La Spezia, Italy, where he began studying classical ballet and modern dance techniques in 1984 at the Centro studiDanza under the direction of LoredanaRovagna. He also pursued studies in visual arts for three years at the Fine Arts School of Carrara. In 1986, Godani was accepted to further his studies at Maurice Béjart's international dance centre Mudra in Brussels. Godani made his professional debut in 1988 performing with several Paris-based contemporary dance companies. In 1990, Godani formed his own Brussels-based company and began his choreographic career. His work in Brussels was produced by the theatre L'Atelier Saint-Anne and was supported by the Théâtre Plateau. From 1991 to 2000, Godani has been a leading soloist with William Forsythe's Ballet Frankfurt and has collaborated with Forsythe on the choreographic creation of many of Ballet Frankfurt's most representative pieces. Godani developed his career as a choreographer creating original works for a vast range of international companies such as Royal Ballet Covent Garden, BayerischesStaatsballett, Compañía Nacional de Danza, NederlandsDans Theater, Royal Danish Ballet, Ballet British Columbia, Le Ballet du Capitole de Toulouse, Corpo di ballo del Teatroalla Scala, Royal Ballet of Flanders, Finnish National Ballet, SemperoperBallett, Sydney Dance Company, “The Project” Israeli Opera  & Suzanne Dellal Centre, Het Nationale Ballet, Aterballetto, Les Ballets de Monte Carlo, Cedar Lake Contemporary Ballet. Jacopo Godani has been appointed as Artistic Director and Choreographer of the Dresden Frankfurt Dance Company beginning with the 2015/2016 season. Godani's work is sophisticated while remaining highly physical and raw. He uses the collective working as one organism in a highly articulated way. Godani conceives all stages of work from the initial choreography through to designing the spaces, objects, enviroments and stage settings where his actions take place, writes text and concepts for his dramaturgical work, styles the image of interpreters conceiving costumes, engineers and develops innovative ways of using lighting, video and projections, and creates/edits music for some of his pieces. Godani formed a team of like-minded professionals to collaborate on the development of original ideas applied to all fields that require a creative and innovative concept to reflect the progressive perspective of our contemporary world.

Drezden Frankfurt kompanija igre deluje podjednako u oba grada, a njen umetnički direktor je međunarodno priznati koreograf Jakopo Godani. Repertoar trupe se sastoji uglavnom od Godanijevih radova. Njegov cilj je produkcija živog inovativnog koreografskog jezika, onog koji zahteva virtuoznost u svom izrazu, postavljajući fizičke izazove pred igrače. Na ovom putovanju, tradicionalno nasleđe umetničke igre spaja se sa savremenim razmišljanjem, što dovodi do kreacije jedinstvenog ansambla. Partneri trupe su oblasti Saksonija i Hese, odnosno gradovi Drezden i Frankfurt na Majni, kao i privatni donator i javni sponzori. Trupa je smeštena u prostorima drezdenskog Evropskog centra za umetnost HELLERAU i frankfurtskog Depoa Bokenhajmer.

The Dresden Frankfurt Dance Company is based in equal measure in the cities of Dresden and Frankfurt am Main. Internationally acclaimed choreographer Jacopo Godani serves as artistic director of the company. The repertoire of the Dresden Frankfurt Dance Company consists primarily of works by Godani. His goal is the production of a vibrant new choreographic language, one that requires virtuosity in its expression while posing physical challenges to the performers. On this journey, dance’s traditional heritage will converge with contemporary thought, giving rise to a highly unique ensemble. Cooperation partners are the states of Saxony and Hesse and the cities of Dresden and Frankfurt am Main, as well as private supporters and public sponsors. Supported by the city of Dresden and the state of Saxony as well as the city of Frankfurt am Main and the state of Hesse. Company is in Residence of both Dresden’s HELLERAU – European Centre for the Arts and Frankfurt’s Bockenheimer Depot.